(from youtube)
He seems to have a vision and he works on getting that goal.
A risk taker and definitely a go-getter! Imagine, the first time he heard that Jane Fonda signed the divorce papers of her then husband, he immediately gave her a call and asked her for a date!
While watching this documentary about him, I asked myself if I at least have a bit of his vision. Looking back, I think I only have 1% of his risk taking attitude and that is when I followed my heart to be with the man of my dreams (my husband!).
Hmmm... or maybe add 4% more on that because I decided to start a business opportunity (can't really tell it right now... or never at all! bwahahaha!).
Okay, kidding aside, I asked myself when I was watching his documentary if I did have a vision of what my life will be (now, it's our life since we're married).
... silence...
I guess I have been following the current of the river called Life, the day to day events as they come our way. In other words, things have been easy. There may be a bit of rocky areas but still there was more smooth sailing days.
R, I think, sees this which is why he does not burst my good bubble by pushing through with "the plan" but I know it is of our best interest to go for the plunge... which should be soon!
Am I a risk taker? No but I think I am married to a visionary and like a river, he leads to smooth sailing days... always :)