Tuesday, December 2

Finding your Focus and Purpose

I now have a normal routine that I kind of want to break... yes, sadly I need to.

My morning starts with me saying a prayer to the Creator followed by browsing through Facebook and Instagram.
the two social media apps that make people around the world stay up... all the time!

If R does not give me "that" look, I can probably end up going through these two social sites for the rest of the morning.

After that (depends on my mood), I will again start bidding for projects online. Hoping to finally get some work that does not let me leave home.

So, whilst doing my routine, I chance upon a website that was shared by one of my Facebook friends, theprayingwoman.com

It drew me to read more about the devotional for today (imagine, I saw that post in the morning and up until tonight - time check 10:45pm, I still have the site open).

The title of the devotional is 'When God's Reasons Become Oh So Clear'. As I read through the devotional, I time travelled to when R and I were discussing about our "for good" plan. I have been putting it off for the longest time, almost 5 years to be honest.

click here to read the devotional

I keep giving R reasons as to why we can't go. It was because we were still paying off the house... then I said maybe we can wait for me to reach a certain tenure in the company... then I said we need to save up because we will need X amount of money in order for us to survive without employment and my list goes on and on.

Despite all those, we still went with our decision to go home and we did. I believe this chapter in our life involves God. When we were still in the Middle East, I keep praying and asking God if this is also what He wants us to do. Is this His plan for us, to go home?

In the devotional, one of the points mentioned was to keep our focus on God and not to lose faith on Him. I think as human beings, we always want to be able to have a fool-proof plan of our future. However, this is not the case with God. He wants us not to lose sight of Him and in turn, He will lead us to the place of our milk and honey, our paradise.

It was said that if you have a peace of mind on the plan that you have decided on, it means that it is also God's plan.

That is what I felt.

Right now, I am still trying to understand what is God now trying to tell us about the next step. What are we meant to do here in the Philippines.

I want Him to guide us on what and how we should lead our lives. I am seeking for wisdom and courage to understand and know what is in store for us. I also ask for patience because believe you me, it is hard to be idle when you know you want to do something!

images were grabbed from the following:- 

screenshot was from:-